Thursday, June 10, 2010

It's randoms I tell ya!

Soon I will recieve a milk stout....This has made me curious!

Lately, I've had a few projects and some interviews. Interviews were interesting...I kicked some butt in my last one..However, it didn't land me the job. The other person had more experience in the area...Hmm..Maybe I am a better at selling myself than I originally thought? ;)

I'm currently turning my room into small boxes..What a task!

Today I drove a car with much more power than my own...hahaha...That was nice. However, I switched back to my car afterwards...Lemme just say...If I could upgrade I'd like to :P

Last week I landed a rare op to purchase something Carl Barks signed...Actually, I was so thrilled I purchased TWO! I can't wait for them to arrive!!

I'll leave with a funny picture..At the time I was trying to make light of an annoying/frustrating situation. The pictures on a toy forum got some good feed back making the broken NY Fat sorta easier to deal with. These ain't cheap!


And since Blue passed away the rest remember him in a ONE can salute!



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