Saturday, May 1, 2010

Okay..So....I submitted my portfolio people who want t-shirts designed for Wear it With Pride....I forgot all about it until a few days ago.....My portfolio got accepted!! This is huge...Kinda amazing. You know i put my best into my portfolio and when I didn't hear back I just moved on as you do when you design.

Now I've gotta come up with a design for the 85 tshirts being designed......I am pumped! I've got the perfect idea and I've got it all mocked out....I slept on the idea because I usually think things over for a day...Next week I start designing it!

This isn't some "design comp" that allows people to showcase their talent...This actually has established designers some very famous and others well known....Not to mention it has actresses and actors supporting it!! I guess this is what highten it for me but I also know it's going towards a great cause. I'm really thrilled..Only 85 people got the choice and one of those 85 people are me! It seems people over seas even got picked so when you know it's on an international scale my heart kinda beats faster..hahaha.

Thrilled!! Only wished I had a bigger tablet to draw on :P

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